About Deacon Edward Pluchar

About - Deacon Edward Pluchar

I am married to Sheila, our Director of Human Concerns; we have 5 children and 8 incredible grandchildren. We have been parishioners of St. Julie for over 40 years.

I was ordained a Deacon in May of 2004 and have served here at St. Julie since then.

I currently assist at Mass, perform Baptisms and Weddings, and help with many of our Outreach and Human Concerns ministries. I help with our Faith Formation program, previously as a catechist and grade level coordinator, and currently in a variety of aspects within the program, as requested. I currently serve as the Spiritual director for our St. Vincent DePaul conference. My wife Sheila and I are the co-leads for the Parish reopening team.

I was active in Youth ministry for almost 20 years with my wife prior to moving over to Human Concerns. I have recently taken over the running of the day to day operation of the Tinley Park Food Pantry.

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