I am married to Sheila, our Director of Human Concerns; we have 5 children and 8 incredible grandchildren. We have been parishioners of St. Julie for over 40 years.
I was ordained a Deacon in May of 2004 and have served here at St. Julie since then.
I currently assist at Mass, perform Baptisms and Weddings, and help with many of our Outreach and Human Concerns ministries. I help with our Faith Formation program, previously as a catechist and grade level coordinator, and currently in a variety of aspects within the program, as requested. I currently serve as the Spiritual director for our St. Vincent DePaul conference. My wife Sheila and I are the co-leads for the Parish reopening team.
I was active in Youth ministry for almost 20 years with my wife prior to moving over to Human Concerns. I have recently taken over the running of the day to day operation of the Tinley Park Food Pantry.
7399 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 429 6767
Fr. Tirso Villaverde, Pastor
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