The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying, “…I appointed you a prophet to the nations….I have put my words in your mouth.” (from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah)
The Ministry of Lector is rooted in the power of the Word of God. Prayerful proclamation of Scripture makes the presence of God alive in our midst, enlivens our hearts, challenges us to reflect on our actions, comforts us in our sorrow, and empowers the community to work for the Kingdom of God. During the celebration of Eucharist, hearing God’s Word is a dynamic event. It becomes flesh in our midst, Jesus – Word made Flesh – so that it can achieve the purpose for which God sent it – to redeem us.
Lectors will receive both spiritual formation and an overview of the skills needed for the ministry. These training sessions are offered through the Archdiocese twice a year. Once someone has attended a session, they will receive practical training for the implementation of the Ministry of Lector specific to St. Julie parish. They are scheduled on a rotating basis, serving one to two times a month.
St. Julie’s has many dedicated volunteers who are part of this ministry. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office at 708.429.6767.
7399 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 429 6767
Fr. Tirso Villaverde, Pastor
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