Shawls are distributed to the home bound, the sick, those with terminal illness and to the RCIA candidates upon acceptance into our faith. We also provide shawls to Dover Air Force Base for families awaiting the dignified transfer of their beloved Fallen Soldier back into the United States.
The shawl maker always begins with prayer and blessings for the recipient. Many blessings are prayed into every shawl.
Prayer Shawl meetings are held on Fridays in the Great Room:
Prayer Squares
They are very similar to our Prayer Shawls. They are created in prayer to bring comfort and peace by symbolizing Gods love for us. The knitted / crocheted squares are a small tangible reminder also that we are never alone, God is always with us. The Prayer Squares help us to focus in prayer knowing that friends are praying too.
Those receiving the Holy Eucharist from a Minister of Care or Eucharistic Ministers often find much comfort in the Prayer Square that they are given. Others have found it easy to hold while they pray the rosary.
These wonderful Prayer Squares can be found in our Mary Chapel in a basket near the back of the room. They have all been blessed at the Prayer Shawl meeting. If you know of someone who would benefit, please feel free to share one with them.
At this time, we have no need for baby blankets.
Shawls must be made with soft yarn and washed before it can be given to those in need.
You need not attend the meetings to contribute shawls for our ministry. Simply attach your name to the shawl and drop it off at the Parish Office in a plastic bag marked ATTN: SHAWL MINISTRY.
First Shawl, Oct 2004
7399 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 429 6767
Fr. Tirso Villaverde, Pastor
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