"Yours is the first of Christ’s face to greet God’s people as they assemble for prayer.
Your greeting of welcome is the first wish that “The Lord be with you!”
Yours is the word that welcomes the stranger to be at home,
or the silence that makes of our assembly a foreign land.
Yours is the task of discretion: knowing how to welcome,
and when and where to seat the latecomer.
Yours may be the last word that ushers the community
to its week of work in the Lord’s vineyard.
Yours is the Lord’s face and voice for those who enter and depart the holy ground of prayer."
Fr. Austin Fleming
The Greeters and Ushers of St. Julie parish are true Ministers of Hospitality. They seek to make those who enter the doors of our church feel welcome and comfortable. Yes, they have specific and practical tasks such as seating people, taking up the collection, facilitating the communion procession, or giving out the bulletins at the end of Mass; but their primary task is to be a sign of the hospitality, unity and love that God offers to us as we gather together to pray and praise God as the People of God.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office at 708.429.6767.
7399 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 429 6767
Fr. Tirso Villaverde, Pastor
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