The Community of St. Julie is honored and humbled to be able to send Christmas Care Packages to our men and women stationed overseas. It is a huge sacrifice to not only serve and protect our country, but to do it so far away from loved ones. Our hearts are full with gratitude for their selfless gifts.
At Christmas time, we have a special list provided with a box. All ages are welcome to come on packing night. It is amazing what we can accomplish together!
Throughout the year, parishioners remember our soldiers and veterans by dropping off items in the containers in the hallway leading to the Parish Hall.
If you are interested in the Military Packing team please let us know. If you have a sponsor that you think would like to help offset the costs of the Military Postage, we would love to hear from you!
Donation Items:
T-Shirts: white, army green or black t-shirts (M, L or XL), letters to soldiers, Pringle chips snack pack (8 pk), snack packs of raisins, Kraft handi snack packs (6 ea), bags of individual wrapped candy, granola bars, Rice Krispy treats (individually wrapped), crossword puzzle/game books and pens/paper.
Also Need: toilet paper, eye drops, disposable razors (10 pk), AA batteries (8 pk), lotion, white sox, band-aids (one size), heavy duty wet wipes, Tampax Super Plus 46, Always Ultra Thin Pads 28, travel size Kleenex, combs, brushes, hair clips & bands, beef jerky, powdered lemonade (packets), powdered Gatorade (packets), 12 oz. bags of ground coffee, mouthwash, regular size shampoo and conditioner.
Letters and cards from home are always their favorite item to receive!
7399 W. 159th Street
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
(708) 429 6767
Fr. Tirso Villaverde, Pastor
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