

Explore our Ministries below

Adoration Thursdays & Fridays

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Thursday from 8:30AM until Noon in the Sacred Heart Chapel. Adoration is also offered on the first Fridays of the month and begins after the 8:00AM Mass and ends after the 5:00PM Benediction.

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Adult Choir

Persons interested in music who help the community to participate in liturgy through song. You will need a desire to worship God through singing, willing to attend rehearsals and able to attend Sunday liturgies when the choir sings, as well as special liturgies throughout the year. New members are always welcome to this ministry. 

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Bereavement Ministry

The loss of a loved one can be a difficult experience. Often, our faith sees us through these trying times. The Bereavement Ministry was formed to comfort those who mourn. Members of this Ministry reach out to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one by prayer, attending wakes, sending cards, reaching out by phone calls and delivering sympathy baskets containing inspirational notes and cookies.

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Book Club

The St Julie Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of the every month at 1:00 pm in the Great Room. Books are noted for the next several months. Check this space often for the newest additions to the list.

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Singers who help the assembly participate in liturgical singing. They proclaim the Responsorial Psalm. You will need a pleasant-sounding voice, a desire to pray the liturgy through song, and willingness to gather periodically for prayer, dialogue and practice.

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Children's Choir

This is an ad hoc group which is formed for Christmas and Easter liturgies comprised of students in grades two through eight. Like the adult choir members, these children enjoy singing and want to share their gifts by praising God in song.

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Daybreak Shelter

Daybreak is a shelter located in Joliet and run by Catholic Charities. For the past 20+ years, St. Julie parishioners have provided a hot delicious breakfast on the first Sunday of the month as well as Christmas morning.

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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

We believe that through our active participation at Mass and, in a special way through the reception of Holy Communion, we are filled with the real presence of Christ and are therefore sent to be Christ’s presence in the world. 

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Donut / Pancake Sunday

Fellowship and refreshments are offered on the third Sunday of the month after 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:00am Masses. Parishioners are invited to gather in the parish hall to enjoy time with fellow parishioners and enjoy a light breakfast.

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Funeral Ministry

St. Julie relies on adult members of the community to serve for funerals. The server not only assists the Presider, but also adds to the dignity of the funeral liturgy and provides support to the bereaved family.

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Hand Bell Choir

These skilled and experienced groups of hand bell ringers play at parish liturgies and other events. This choir is for high school age through adults who have some musical background.

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Guitar, Piano, Bass, Drums, Brass, Woodwinds, Strings? Do you play? Instrumentalists add another layer to our musical prayer and special occasions in church. All ages are welcome.

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Media Ministry

Group of dedicated individuals who document the life of the parish through photography and videography, who also keep the parish connected through website updates, social media and email. An important focus of the ministry is to provide still photos of various parish events and livestream the 9:30am Sunday Mass on Facebook. Immediately after the livestream, the Mass is uploaded to our YouTube channel (SJB Tinley Park) and our website (

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Men's Ministry

Men’s Group “A good man is not a perfect man; a good man is an honest man, faithful and unhesitatingly responsive to the voice of God in his life.”

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Military Care Packages

The Community of St. Julie is honored and humbled to be able to send Christmas Care Packages to our men and women stationed overseas. It is a huge sacrifice to not only serve and protect our country, but to do it so far away from loved ones.

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Ministry of Altar Servers

There have always been young people whom God calls to service. In ancient times, young Samuel actually lived with the priest, Eli. One night, God called Samuel but Samuel thought  it was Eli.

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Ministry of Care

Due to illness or other circumstances, members of the church are not always able to join us for Sunday Mass. Ministers of Care visit to bring the church and Eucharist to the sick and homebound.

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Ministry of Greeters and Ushers

Yours is the first of Christ’s face to greet God’s people as they assemble for prayer. Your greeting of welcome is the first wish that “The Lord be with you!”

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Ministry of Lector

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah saying, “…I appointed you a prophet to the nations….I have put my words in your mouth.” (from the Book of the Prophet […]

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Ministry of Praise

The Ministry of Praise is a spiritual ministry in which people here at St. Julie offer their prayers, sufferings, joys and sorrows to God for the salvation of souls.

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Ministry of Sacristan/Laundresses

“(we pray) for these sacristans, that the preparations they make for the celebration of the liturgy may remind us to prepare our hearts for worship…” (Book of Blessings, chapter 62).

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Money Counters

Our thanks and gratitude to the women who assist with the counting and reconciliation of the Sunday offering. These dedicated people offer their time and talent selflessly each Monday morning.

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Peace and Justice

As Disciples of Christ all Christians bear a responsibility to bring God’s justice for the common good to society – to transform belief into living actions. In a state of true justice all may move toward their ultimate goal of happiness in eternal life with God.

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Port Lunches

Port Lunch Ministry! The Port is located at 51st & Hermitage in Chicago. They have a Bread Truck that goes out into the neighborhood and distributes lunches to those who cannot afford one.

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Praise and Worship Band

Come praise Jesus with song and Scripture. Our Praise Band rocks Contemporary Christian Music and traditional church music. We play once a month at various masses and also host evening prayer a few times per year.

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Respect Life

The pro-life ministry, launched by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), is inspiring Catholics to take the 'crisis' out of pregnancies as parishes assess, expand, and communicate resources available to moms in need within their communities.

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Rosary at Charter Senior Center

The Rosary is said every Monday morning at 10 am at Charter Senior Living located in Orland Park, Illinois. This dedicated team of woman meet and say the rosary with the community of Saint Julie Billiart.

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Rosary at Heartis Village

The Rosary is said every Tuesday morning at 10 am at Heartis Village located in Orland Park, Illinois. This dedicated team of woman meet and say the rosary with the community of Saint Julie. Might you have 45 minutes to spend in prayer once a week?

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St. Julie Bakers

“The best cookies in the world are made with a little bit of love,” says our Pastor! SJB Bakers support a variety of parish ministries with home-baked goods! Cookies and treats are made to be shared at parish outreach functions, for Port lunches, soup kitchen, bereavement, Remembrance Services, Veteran Luncheon, as well as for our Cookies for Soldiers mailing at Christmas.

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St. Peregrine Novena

A Novena to Saint Peregrine is held Mondays at 7:00pm in the Sacred Heart Chapel. Saint Peregrine is the patron saint of those afflicted with cancer, AIDS and other terminal illnesses.

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Shawl Ministry

The mission of Shawl Ministry is to knit/crochet shawls in prayer to bring comfort and solace to those facing life’s challenges and those celebrating life’s joys. Shawls are distributed to the home bound, the sick, those with terminal illness and to the RCIA candidates upon acceptance into our faith. 

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St. Vincent dePaul

“Lord, help me to make time today to serve you in those who are most in need of encouragement or assistance”. – St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul

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St. Agnes Ministry
(Thánh Anê Lê Thị Thành)

Mission Statement St. Agnes (Thánh Anê Lê Thị Thành) Ministry aims to minister to the Vietnamese in the Southwest suburbs in the Archdiocese of Chicago by celebrating Mass once a month, maintaining and developing Vietnamese cultural tradition, evangelizing, and supporting St. Julie Parish.

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Thanksgiving Dinner

Every year on Thanksgiving, St. Julie hosts a hot, delicious Thanksgiving Dinner! This event is free to all! Some of us have no relatives in the area, some of us may just not be able, for whatever reason, be able to have a big meal this year.

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Tinley Park Food Pantry

 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

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Veteran's Luncheon

St. Julie honors our Veterans with a luncheon each November. Families are invited and each Veteran is given a group photo. We can never repay the sacrifices made by both the veteran and his or her family.

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Young Adult Group

The Young Adult Group of St. Julie Billiart Parish seeks to promote faith, fellowship, and spiritual growth among its members, while glorifying the Lord in all they do.

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Young at Heart -
Luncheon Meetings

“When our lives are centered on Christ – our hearts united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – good things come forth in out words and actions. We don’t keep […]

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Youth Mission Reflections

The complete set of Mission reflections can be found on the links below.

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